Feel like you’re coughing your guts out?

APOPS new logo jpgCredit to Sherrie Palm founder Associateion for Pelvic Organ Prolapse Support

It’s flu season; you’re hacking and hacking until you feel like your bottom end is going to blow out. And it just might be. if you’re like me you start to ramp up the germ-phoebe aspect of your personality around this time of year. We all start paying more attention to washing our hands, get nervous about grabbing the door at stores we shop at, walk the other way when we hear someone  coughing. No one wants to get the flu. Yet despite the extra protective measures we take, we somehow manage to contract it. The majority of us are exposed to hundreds of germ infested surfaces every day; there’s just no way to get around it beyond wrapping ourselves in one of those protective bubbles. Not a very user friendly way to avoid getting sick.

I recently returned from a trip overseas and had concerns about being in airplanes and airports, knowing that the odds of my catching a bug were increased by being exposed to so many people in an enclosed environment. Every time someone coughed on the plane I thought to myself “keep your hands off your face, keep your hands off your face,” reciting it to myself like some kind of magical mantra that would protect me. Although I felt badly for the young child coughing non-stop a few rows up from me on the airbus, I equally worried that somehow the germs would float back to me in the recycled air of the plane.

Somehow I managed to make the long journey in both directions and come home with my body flu-free. Lucky me, I figured now I could relax. Then the inevitable happened-……read more Continue reading “Feel like you’re coughing your guts out?”

The T Pessary

pTreatment The T pessaryis successful in treating a 1-3 degree cystocele accompanied by a rectocele. It can also be used to manage stress incontinence (SUI) The T pessary can be left in the body continuously for up to 30 days, but it is advisable to remove daily to give the body a rest and to […]/p

via The T Pessary.

The Cramer Pessary for Stress incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse.

Pessaries can play an important part in getting back a reasonable quality of life if you happen to suffer with stress incontinence (SUI)  and/or pelvic organ prolapse.

Today, pessary expert and advocate for women who suffer stress incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse Gaynor Morgan speaks about the Cramer Pessary.

Gaynor Morgan works with medical professionals and leading retailers all over Europe to help raise the awareness about the importance of getting incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse issues to the forefront and pushing for more education about these subjects.

Over 45% of women worldwide suffer with some type of pelvic organ prolapse and/ or incontinence. The World Health Organisation had deemed this as an epidemic that needs addressing.

Gaynor heads up the European side of the non profit organisation, APOPS – Association for pelvic organ prolapse support founded by award winning author of the book: Pelvic Organ Prolapse the silent epidemic. Ms Sherrie Palm.


The Cramer pessary:
Material : Medical grade silicone with a steel spring inside for stabilization

Size range: Diameter 50mm and increases in 5mm increments to the largest size 90mm

Use : for the management of stress incontinence, cystocele and uterine prolapse.

DO NOT USE IF: You have had prior surgery and this includes vaginoplasty. Reason being, the pelvic floor must be somewhat stable to retain this pessary.

Usage: Fit in the morning and remove in the evening. Lubricant is advisable if the vagina is very dry. Recommended lubricants are yes and ladysoft

Fitting: The Dr or physiotherapist should show you and get you to practise insertion and removal. Ensure the two thick ends are right against the urethra and do not pinch.

The Cramer will lift and support the bladder neck which controls the involuntary loss of urine in SUI (Stresss Urinary Incontinence)
The pelvic floor must be in tact for this pessary to be successful. It hasn’t been very successful in the management of rectocele but is very good in the management of a cystocele where the patient also presents a uterine prolapse grade 1 or 2.

Care of the Cramer: Wash under clean water and allow to airdry. (Drying with a towel or paper towel can leave debris behind to stick to the pessary which can be introduced into the vaginal lining and may cause problems. Cleaning with a pessary sanitiser such as IncoClean (without alcohol) can also be used. Autoclaving is possible.
DO NOT microwave or boil this pessary due to the metal spring inside.

If you still leak urine after it has been fitted, it is possible that you have not positioned it correctly. Remove and reposition.

They are not available on the NHS prescription at this time.

For more information please go to www.incostress.com and go to the free downloads.

What is Estim?

Estim is known under a few descriptions, Erotic Stimulation, Erotic Electro Stimulation and Electric Stimulation.

Depending what your needs are there are plenty of devices to chose from and it is always best to discuss the types of devices with your medical advisor prior to investing.

Estim is also known as EMS Electrical muscle stimulation or neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES)

What ever you chose to call it or which ever product you decide to use all of them come down to one thing, which is forcing the of muscles to contract through electric impulses.

Women with weak pelvic floor muscles may see this as an easy option for pelvic floor exercising, but  with every good idea there is always a down side, which is why it is so important to discuss any alternative pelvic floor therapy with your medical advisor and physiotherapist. Over use of an electrical stimulation on muscles and cause over tightening of the muscles which can lead to fatigue.

Using Estim with a physiotherapist.

The physiotherapist may place electrodes on the skin in various locations or insert a probe into the vagina to be able to stimulate a single or group of muslces.

These controled contractions via electrical stimulation helps strengthen the affected muscles. The physiotherapist can chnage the settings to allow for a strong or gentle muscle contraction. Along with increasing muscle strength, the contraction of the muscle also promotes blood supply to the area that assists in healing.

EMS machines can be beneficial as a strengthening training device towards healthy muscles and ligaments. It can also be used effectively as a rehabilitation method in patients that have little or no sensation of the muscles.

The machines used in physiotherapy practises are more powerful and tend to reach deeper into the muscle mass than the home devices.

There are several types of EMS devices and are used in different ways but all end up with the same purpose: to contract and stimulate muscles through the delivery of electrical impulses.

EMS can be particularly helpful for stroke patients.

For more information about EMS, Estim and other muscle rehabilitation products please see the specialists www.win-health.com

Dribbly women don’t dance – incontinence and exercise.

Dribbly women don’t dance – incontinence and exercise by Elaine Miller physiotherapist

 If you are reading this you are not my audience.  Sorry.  The fact that you are reading something to do with incontinence suggests that you already have an understanding about the condition, are comfortable getting information about it, and are keen to learn more. So, you either are, or, will be, alright.

The people I fret about are the millions of women who are living with their leaking and not yet seeking help.  They just put up with having poor bladder control, pad up, and feel a bit disappointed.

Well, I say “feel a bit disappointed”.  In fact is that a third of them go on to develop clinical depression.  Of course, exercise is commonly recommended for managing mood disorders – but, if you leak when you run, well, you’re not going to go for a run, are you?

And, therein lies the huge public health rub.

Diseases of inactivity, like coronary heart disease, kill women.  One in eight UK women die from heart disease.  Exercise isn’t just about being able to keep up with the kids, or beating the blue, it’ll keep us alive.

But, speaking as someone who peed herself during zumba…it is very difficult to be physically active and avoid impact on your pelvic floor.

When I rule the world, some pieces of gym equipment will carry “pelvic floor warning” signs.  Rowing machines, reclining bikes, a loaded leg press – yep, wouldn’t want anyone with a prolapse on those things.  Oh, or trampolines, those things can have a label on them.  And, the plank, star jumps, tennis, lunges, I could go on.

In fact, I’d force incontinence pad manufacturers to print pelvic health advice on their packaging.  And, while we’re at it, they can fix that awful glue which comes unstuck and allows the pad to attach itself to your labia instead of your gusset…ouch.

So, we’ve got a classic Catch 22.  In order to reduce your risk of pelvic organ prolapse and your symptoms of stress incontinence you need to keep your weight under control.  But, you wet yourself at zumba, so aren’t keen…

Pelvic floor friendly exercises have reduced impact forces – like swimming, cycling, pilates (when it’s well taught and you are absolutely sure your technique is good), speed/power/Nordic pole/hill walking, aqua-aerobics and low-intensity cross trainers.

However, runners?  They wanna run, not walk, they want to run. That’s when internal support can be helpful, Sherrie Palm (she knows everything there is to know about pelvic floors) says that pessaries like incostress should be used when a woman is participating in acvities with impact.

Now, that does not mean that you can shove in a grade 4 prolapse with an incostress and get back to athletics training…but, it does mean that if you have a mild prolapse, or mild stress incontinence symptoms, and you are complying with a pelvic floor strengthening regime which your physiotherapist has given you, AND you use internal support – well, you just might manage to get back to zumba.

Ask me how I know.

Credited to  Elaine Miller Gussie Grippers

Elaine Miller on of the UKs leading physiotherapists who has a post-grad in sports medicine. She focuses her energy on helping women overcome pelvic floor disorders and incontinence and breaks down the taboo through her humour and pelvic floor parties where she has a one hour solo show entitled ‘Gusset Grippers’. Look out for Gusset Grippers at Edinburgh Fringe Festival this August. An amazing lady who fears no pelvic floor!

Find out more about Gusset Grippers on the Gusset Grippers website 

Elaine’s blog and more information on where to see Elaine at the Edinburgh Festival


Pfilates– A combination of pelvic floor exercise AND Pilates!

 One-Day Workshop

 Date: Saturday 28 or Sunday 29 September 2013


Venue: Springhealth Leisure, 81 Belsize Park Gardens, Belsize Park, London NW3 4NJ


Price: £197 – EARLY BIRD PRICE ENDS 31 JULY 2013!!!

Then £237 if paid thereafter


Book your space NOW – www.clairemockridge.com/pfilates

controls urge and stress incontinence. Gets you back into the shape you need
controls urge and stress incontinence. Gets you back into the shape you need

 Who is Pfilates suitable for?

Pfilates is suitable for:

  • Fitness Instructors
  • Personal Trainers
  • Pilates Teachers
  • Ante/Postnatal Specialists
  • Chiropractors
  • Physiotherapists
  • Osteopaths
  • And, ANYONE with an interest in pelvic floor health!

You do NOT need to have a Pilates qualification to attend, and on completion of the Workshop, you’ll receive certification as a Pfilates Instructor.

The Pfilates method can be used 1-2-1 with clients who require specialist attention, and also lends itself well to instruction in small groups.  Pfilates is particularly popular with groups of postnatal women.

Who created Pfilates?

Founder of Pfilates program
Founder of Pfilates program

The PFilates program was created by Urogynecologist Dr. Bruce Crawford to help women and men improve pelvic floor fitness.

Pfilates includes a series of exercise routines to assist clients improve pelvic floor strength, in a progressive pelvic floor fitness training program.

In 2008, Dr. Crawford studied 120 mat Pilates, Yoga, and personal training movements using and from this pool of data, a series of movements were selected that provide excellent passive engagement of the pelvic floor by using various co-contractors including the Transversus abdominis, lower extremity adductors, and Gluteals.

The result?  We achieve much greater motor-unit recruitment per contraction than the “traditional  Kegel”.

The Pfilates program exploits principals of plyometric training and overflow to achieve optimal pelvic floor performance.

Book your space NOW here: www.clairemockridge.com/pfilates

Contact Claire for Pfilates training
Contact Claire for Pfilates training

Date: Saturday 28 or Sunday 29 September 2013

Venue: Springhealth Leisure, 81 Belsize Park Gardens, Belsize Park, London NW3 4NJ

Price: £197 – EARLY BIRD PRICE ENDS 31 JULY 2013!!!

Then £237 if paid thereafter

For more details, your UK contacts are:

– Sarah Rosenfield


– Tel: 07767 404748

– Claire Mockridge


– Tel: 07747 656550


Order your Pfilates kits or Pfilates DVDs from www.incoshop.co.uk  64 min Pfilates DVDs an incredible £9.99


Sherrie Palm shares her innermost secrets, experience and advice in her award winning book Pelvic Organ Proalpse the silent epidemic

Find out why so many medical professionals are passing this book onto their patients.

Order Pelvic Organ Prolpase today and help support women with pelvic organ prolapse issues

Click here to order your copy today 

Pelvic Organ Prolapse the silent epidemic

Pelvic Organ Prolapse the silent epidemic by Sherrie Palm
An award winning fantastic book which gives women down to earh plain speaking advice, diagnosis and how to deal with Pelvic organ prolapse.

Pelvic organ prolapse is an extremely common female health issue that ALL WOMEN need to know about. Symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse (POP) can be confused and mistaken for other health conditions. Symptoms of POP are:

pelvic/back/vaginal/rectal pain
Urinary or fecal incontinence
pain with intercourse
chronic constipation
lack of sexual sensation
vaginal/rectal pressure

and many others.

Vaginal childbirth and menopause are the two leading causes of POP. Unfortunately, most women first hear about pelvic organ prolapse AFTER they are diagnosed with POP.

If you suffer from any of the above symptoms, you may be suffering from a cystocele, rectocele, or type of POP and should talk with your physician about pelvic organ prolapse now.

Our goal is to increase awareness and recognition of POP symptoms, causes, and treatments. Pelvic organ prolapse impacts millions of women around the world physically, emotionally, socially, sexually, and financially. We need to increase POP awareness; we need to increase it now.

Pessaries for Prolapse – The T pessary

Pessaries to treat incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse
There are over 250 pessaries available to treat symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse and incontinence, yet very few patients are told about the availabilities.The ring pessary is the most widely used to treat pelvic organ prolapse issues but is is suitable for everyone?

Over the next few weeks I will be showing you how different types of pessaries can help certain pelvic organ prolapse and incontinence issues.

Pelvic organ prolapse is essentially a ‘hernia’ a decent of an organ into the wall of  another organ in the pelvic area or vagina.  For more information about pelvic organ prolapse please visit www.incostress.com

The T pessary

T pessary for treatment of Cystocele or/and Rectocele

T Pessary type R

The T-Pessary is specifically designed for the treatment of cystocele and rectocele. The cylindrical ergonomic shape supports the bladder into an anatomically correct position.

A cystocele occurs when the bladder drops into the vaginal wall. The vaginal wall over time becomes thin and weakens and can not support the vital organs which leads to the bladder ‘sinking’ into the vagina.

Many women experience the feeling of a ‘bulge’ or a ‘ball’ inside the vagina. Some women find that they have urinary stress incontinence or the inability to empty the bladder completely,  which may be an indication of an early cystocele.

Constipation or unable to completely clean the bottom after wiping can indicate a rectocele.

The T-Pessary is made from body friendly medical grade silicone and can be easily inserted and removed.  The different sizes allow a perfect fitting.

Is surgery necessary?

The best person to speak to, is your doctor. Prepare your questions before you see him so you are sure that all your questions are answered.

Due to the lack of knowledge many women have about their own body and pelvic organ prolapse they wait too long before seeking medical advice. Waiting too long will only make the condition worse and in some cases the only answer is surgery. To avoid getting this far, prevention is the best method. Kegel exercises should be carried out on a regular basis starting in your early 20’s or even in your late teens. Ask your women’s health physiotherapist about how to carry out kegels correctly.

Nobody wants to end up under the knife, and one alternative may be the use of a pessary, it may not be a permanent solution but it may just give you that extra support you need to offer you a better quality of life or even a solution whilst waiting for surgery.

    T pessary for treatment of Cystocele or/and Rectocele

The specially designed surface avoids pressure points in the mucosa. Especially during exercise – such as heavy work or sport – the T-pessary will hold bladder and bowel in the anatomically correct position. Contact us for more information www.incostress.com

How do I know which size is right for me?

Correct size will have to be determined by your doctor or trained physiotherapist who specialises in pelvic organ prolapse.

Note for Medical Staff

Contact C&G Medicare for size sets in any of the range of pessaries – C & G Medicare Ltd UK offer the largest range of pessaries in Europe we also manufacture our own which includes Incostress and the latest P type Pessary which will be available from May 1st.

C&G Medicare Ltd Williams House
11-15 Columbus Walk
off Brigantine Place
CF10 4BY
United Kingdom
Why not come and see us at Naidex 30 April – 2 May 2013 at the NEC Birmingham Stand C165

Recommended reading about pelvic organ prolapse issues

Pelvic Organ Prolapse by Sherrie Palm

pelvic organ prolapse book






UROX for men. A solution for voiding problems

UROX for men is a unique urinal system which allows men the freedom to gain their independance free from incontinence pads and diapers for men.

Urox urinal system is pefect for men who have voiding problems, over active bladder (OAB), prostate problems and other conditions which enhibits their every day qualitiy of life through voiding problems.

UROX is easy to use, reusable and hygienic. Urox comes with a full starter kit bag and has separate components all available from the NHS and pharmacies as well as on line at www.incoshop.co.uk

Urox is a portable urinal which is so discreet nobody will ever know you are wearing it. In fact it is so comfortable not eve you will notice it.

Urox is not only for men with voiding problems, but also for glider pilots who need to urinate during their flight. All glider pilots who have used UROX recommend it.

ARE YOU ELIGABLE FOR NHS PRESCRIPTION PRODUCTS? UROX IS FREE TO YOU ON PRESCRIPTION IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. It’s your right to ask for this and to enjoy a better quality of life.


prostatitis verses enlarged prostate!

  • Over 50% of men in their 60’s and as many as 90% in their 70s or older have symptoms of an enlarged prostate gland (BPH)
  • Out of the 203,000 men diagnosed with prostate cancer, around 30,000 will die of it (each year)
  • prostatitis affects around 35% of men in the 50’s and older

OK lets put this into plain English!

The prostate gland

30,000 men die every year as a result of prostate cancer. Don’t leave difficult symptoms of voiding go unchecked.

The prostate gland about the size of a walnut, which surrounds part of  the urethra. (the urethra – that long tube that takes urine from the bladder out of the body via the penis, girls you have a shorter one and that’s part of the reason women get bladder infections more than men.). The urethra is also responsible for transporting semen during ejaculation.

There are lots of changes in growth of the prostate gland during puberty. Many men around the age of 40 may notice a ‘regrowth’ of the prostate gland. Most will not notice the change in  growth until they start getting problems with voiding. This is the first tell-tale sign that it has grown more than it should have, is problems voiding (peeing). If you are around 40 years old and have noticed a change in voiding urine, please see your physician.

There are 3 typical prostate diseases (none of which should be ignored or delayed seeking medical attention. You may find you have one of the diseases or a combination of them).

  • Enlarged prostate (BPH)
  • Prostate cancer
  • Prostatitis

Enlarged prostate (BPH)

BPH stands for benign prostatic hypoplasia  or enlarged prostate  to you and I.  This is when the prostate gland grows to an over large state. This is the most common of prostate complaints.  The word ‘benign’ will indicate that it is non cancerous, but that doesn’t mean it is to be ignored!

Around 50% of men  between the ages of 50 and 60 will develop symptoms of an enlarged prostate. (and less than half will seek immediate attention! Come on guys, this is serious! you can’t let this fester!!

Take the simple 8 question test to find out if you have an enlarged prostate.

Typical symptoms (but some men won’t have symptoms) will be frequent urination, nocturia (getting up 2 or 3 times in the night to pee) the bladder doesn’t empty completely, slow start to urinate or a weak urine force when you do start.

Remember the prostate surrounds part of the urethra so as the prostate gland gets bigger it strangles the urethra causing the urethra to malfunction.

Left untreated…..think about it….urine gets left in the bladder, leading to possible urine infections, build up of toxins and debris leading to stones in the bladder. All this leads to damage of vital organs. (all could be prevented or at least treated if the signs of problem voiding are addressed early!


Prostatitis is an inflammation and /or infection of the prostate gland.

Did you know 50% of men under the age of 50 will be affected with prostatitis?
There are four major types of prostatitis:   And lets start with the one which affects the younger ager group of men.

Interestingly, one of my friends asked her partner and his mates if they had heard of prostatitis, NONE OF THEM HAD. They are all in their prime! a group of 20-year-old plus men who will one day be trying for a family. Lads here is something to bear in mind!

Asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis is one of the ‘hidden’ culprits of  infertility. When a young man trying for a family thinks he is infertile, the doctor will examine him and test for prostatitis. It often goes undiagnosed as the patient does not complain of pain or discomfort but has an infection and the infection-fighting cells are found in the prostate and semen, making the situation difficult for the man to inseminate healthy sperm.

Acute bacterial prostatitis This one is a nasty pasty! The bad ass one of them! you know the type… you had the symptoms but ignored them thinking ‘its an age thing’ or ‘I’ll go see the doc when I have less important things to do’…

Wake up guys this type is not as common but is nevertheless  a potential killer!

Lucky of you this bad boy is the easiest to diagnose and can be treated effectively IF CAUGHT SOON ENOUGH!

So all you men out there, look out for the following symptoms and get to your doc without delay: Chills and fever (rigors)  pain in the lower back and genital area; urinary frequency and urgency, nocturia; burning or painful urination can even have a show of blood; body aches (flu like symptoms;)

When examined medical evidence will show a rise in white  blood cells and bacteria in the urine.

Men who have regular urinary tract infections may want to get their prostate checked out!

There is a treatment for it, but it needs to be treated immediately.

Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome is the most common but of course is complicated by the fact the medics are baffled  by it. Out of all the conditions it is the least understood form. They type of prostatitis affects any age; young, middle-aged, old it doesn’t care, if there is a prostate glad there it will attack!

What’s really annoying about this is that it comes and goes. Teases you. One minute you have inflammation and by the time you see the doctor it has disappeared! And to add to the mystery, there is no infection to be found when the prostate is not inflamed. My advise to you on this one, is don’t give up, tell your doctor your symptoms when it happens. Make a diary!


Chronic bacterial prostatitis, This occurs when bacteria find a nice comfy spot to breed on the prostate gland. A result of this may be a urinary tract infections that comes and goes. One of the tell take signs is it is always the same bacteria. So gentlemen, get your doctor to send the samples off to the lab every time you have a urinary tract infection, don’t just settle for a course of antibiotics!

If it is causing prostatitis then you are in for a long-term treatment of antimicrobial.  But the bad news is antimicrobial do not always cure this condition.

 If you want to know more information contact www.candgmedicare.com