Gehrung pessary suitable for cystocele, rectocele and procidentia

Gehrung Pessary:
The Gehrung pessaries are available with or without support knob in Milex, please note that Bioteque no longer supply the gehrun with knob into the UK.

The Gehrung is suitable for women presenting a cystocele and/or rectocele. They are also very effective treating procidentia where the uterus tends to herniate when other pessaries are used.

Fitting the Gehrung: If being fitted using the one with knob support, this gehrung should be fitted with a full bladder then you will be asked to empty the bladder post fitting. This ensures the knob is positioned properly and you can empty your bladder properly. The one without the knob, it isn’t necessary to fit with a full bladder, however the patient must be able to empty the bladder fully when the gehrung is inserted.
I would suggest you irriagate the vagine prior to fitting, this removes any loose membrane and excess secretions, which could potentially get trapped between the vagina and pessary and cause an unpleasant smell later on.

Please be aware that the gehrung is one of the most difficult pessaries to fit and should only be fitted and removed by your medical professional trained in pessary fitting.

Those with endometriosis, this may not be suitable for you and should be discussed with your doctor.

The gehrung is made from medical grade silicone and the arch can be manipulated to support the rectocele.

Gehrung fitting pessary

Are you a medical professional and would like to know more about our educational program on pessaries. Please get in touch via

Order gehrung pessaries

Feel like you’re coughing your guts out?

APOPS new logo jpgCredit to Sherrie Palm founder Associateion for Pelvic Organ Prolapse Support

It’s flu season; you’re hacking and hacking until you feel like your bottom end is going to blow out. And it just might be. if you’re like me you start to ramp up the germ-phoebe aspect of your personality around this time of year. We all start paying more attention to washing our hands, get nervous about grabbing the door at stores we shop at, walk the other way when we hear someone  coughing. No one wants to get the flu. Yet despite the extra protective measures we take, we somehow manage to contract it. The majority of us are exposed to hundreds of germ infested surfaces every day; there’s just no way to get around it beyond wrapping ourselves in one of those protective bubbles. Not a very user friendly way to avoid getting sick.

I recently returned from a trip overseas and had concerns about being in airplanes and airports, knowing that the odds of my catching a bug were increased by being exposed to so many people in an enclosed environment. Every time someone coughed on the plane I thought to myself “keep your hands off your face, keep your hands off your face,” reciting it to myself like some kind of magical mantra that would protect me. Although I felt badly for the young child coughing non-stop a few rows up from me on the airbus, I equally worried that somehow the germs would float back to me in the recycled air of the plane.

Somehow I managed to make the long journey in both directions and come home with my body flu-free. Lucky me, I figured now I could relax. Then the inevitable happened-……read more Continue reading “Feel like you’re coughing your guts out?”

Pessary for pelvic organ prolapse

Following the success of the forum around education for pessary use in the management of pelvic organ prolapse, Gaynor Morgan CEO of C&G Medicare Ltd has set up a website to help those who seek information.

Pessary pick of the month is a helpful educational tool to keep patients and doctors updated about the latest information around pessaries and their uses. Have a look at the full slide show for pessaries here.

Image    Image

Pessaries have been around for centuries and their development has taken to different shapes and materials used, but the end result is the same, pessaries are there to suppor the pelvic organ prolapse. It will not cure a pelvic organ prolapse but it will help offer a better quality of life to the user.

Pessaries are used to treat cycstoceles, rectoceles,urtheroceles,enteroceles, uterine prolapse and vaginal vault.

Gaynor Morgan heads up APOPS Europe (Association for pelvic organ prolapse support Europe) a non profit org founded by Sherrie Palm.

Mumsnet has recognised the significance in the work APOPS is doing worldwide and has added the link to the pelvic floor section of their site.

For more information read Sherrie Palms book Pelvic Organ Prolapse the silent epidemic.


Medical staff please ask for the educational brochures for your clinics. Lets beat pelvic organ prolapse secrecy.

Dribbly women don’t dance – incontinence and exercise.

Dribbly women don’t dance – incontinence and exercise by Elaine Miller physiotherapist

 If you are reading this you are not my audience.  Sorry.  The fact that you are reading something to do with incontinence suggests that you already have an understanding about the condition, are comfortable getting information about it, and are keen to learn more. So, you either are, or, will be, alright.

The people I fret about are the millions of women who are living with their leaking and not yet seeking help.  They just put up with having poor bladder control, pad up, and feel a bit disappointed.

Well, I say “feel a bit disappointed”.  In fact is that a third of them go on to develop clinical depression.  Of course, exercise is commonly recommended for managing mood disorders – but, if you leak when you run, well, you’re not going to go for a run, are you?

And, therein lies the huge public health rub.

Diseases of inactivity, like coronary heart disease, kill women.  One in eight UK women die from heart disease.  Exercise isn’t just about being able to keep up with the kids, or beating the blue, it’ll keep us alive.

But, speaking as someone who peed herself during zumba…it is very difficult to be physically active and avoid impact on your pelvic floor.

When I rule the world, some pieces of gym equipment will carry “pelvic floor warning” signs.  Rowing machines, reclining bikes, a loaded leg press – yep, wouldn’t want anyone with a prolapse on those things.  Oh, or trampolines, those things can have a label on them.  And, the plank, star jumps, tennis, lunges, I could go on.

In fact, I’d force incontinence pad manufacturers to print pelvic health advice on their packaging.  And, while we’re at it, they can fix that awful glue which comes unstuck and allows the pad to attach itself to your labia instead of your gusset…ouch.

So, we’ve got a classic Catch 22.  In order to reduce your risk of pelvic organ prolapse and your symptoms of stress incontinence you need to keep your weight under control.  But, you wet yourself at zumba, so aren’t keen…

Pelvic floor friendly exercises have reduced impact forces – like swimming, cycling, pilates (when it’s well taught and you are absolutely sure your technique is good), speed/power/Nordic pole/hill walking, aqua-aerobics and low-intensity cross trainers.

However, runners?  They wanna run, not walk, they want to run. That’s when internal support can be helpful, Sherrie Palm (she knows everything there is to know about pelvic floors) says that pessaries like incostress should be used when a woman is participating in acvities with impact.

Now, that does not mean that you can shove in a grade 4 prolapse with an incostress and get back to athletics training…but, it does mean that if you have a mild prolapse, or mild stress incontinence symptoms, and you are complying with a pelvic floor strengthening regime which your physiotherapist has given you, AND you use internal support – well, you just might manage to get back to zumba.

Ask me how I know.

Credited to  Elaine Miller Gussie Grippers

Elaine Miller on of the UKs leading physiotherapists who has a post-grad in sports medicine. She focuses her energy on helping women overcome pelvic floor disorders and incontinence and breaks down the taboo through her humour and pelvic floor parties where she has a one hour solo show entitled ‘Gusset Grippers’. Look out for Gusset Grippers at Edinburgh Fringe Festival this August. An amazing lady who fears no pelvic floor!

Find out more about Gusset Grippers on the Gusset Grippers website 

Elaine’s blog and more information on where to see Elaine at the Edinburgh Festival


Sherrie Palm shares her innermost secrets, experience and advice in her award winning book Pelvic Organ Proalpse the silent epidemic

Find out why so many medical professionals are passing this book onto their patients.

Order Pelvic Organ Prolpase today and help support women with pelvic organ prolapse issues

Click here to order your copy today 

Pelvic Organ Prolapse the silent epidemic

Pelvic Organ Prolapse the silent epidemic by Sherrie Palm
An award winning fantastic book which gives women down to earh plain speaking advice, diagnosis and how to deal with Pelvic organ prolapse.

Pelvic organ prolapse is an extremely common female health issue that ALL WOMEN need to know about. Symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse (POP) can be confused and mistaken for other health conditions. Symptoms of POP are:

pelvic/back/vaginal/rectal pain
Urinary or fecal incontinence
pain with intercourse
chronic constipation
lack of sexual sensation
vaginal/rectal pressure

and many others.

Vaginal childbirth and menopause are the two leading causes of POP. Unfortunately, most women first hear about pelvic organ prolapse AFTER they are diagnosed with POP.

If you suffer from any of the above symptoms, you may be suffering from a cystocele, rectocele, or type of POP and should talk with your physician about pelvic organ prolapse now.

Our goal is to increase awareness and recognition of POP symptoms, causes, and treatments. Pelvic organ prolapse impacts millions of women around the world physically, emotionally, socially, sexually, and financially. We need to increase POP awareness; we need to increase it now.

Pessary guide

Please help support APOPS (Association of Pelvic Organ Prolapse Support) a non profit organisation which is dedicated to supporting women with vital information about pelvic organ prolapse issues.

We provide information about different pelvic organ prolapse issues along with finding suitable pelvic floor specialists who can assist with pelvic floor exercises, pessary adivse and surgical procedure information.

June IS pelvic organ prolapse support month. Please share this information and help stamp out the taboo behind this awful condition.

Visit APOPS in Harrogate United Kingdom November 2013 at BAUN


Download your copy of the ease of use pessary guide to find out which pessary is the right one for you.

Table of Ease of Use of Pessary

Pessaries for Prolapse – The T pessary

Pessaries to treat incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse
There are over 250 pessaries available to treat symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse and incontinence, yet very few patients are told about the availabilities.The ring pessary is the most widely used to treat pelvic organ prolapse issues but is is suitable for everyone?

Over the next few weeks I will be showing you how different types of pessaries can help certain pelvic organ prolapse and incontinence issues.

Pelvic organ prolapse is essentially a ‘hernia’ a decent of an organ into the wall of  another organ in the pelvic area or vagina.  For more information about pelvic organ prolapse please visit

The T pessary

T pessary for treatment of Cystocele or/and Rectocele

T Pessary type R

The T-Pessary is specifically designed for the treatment of cystocele and rectocele. The cylindrical ergonomic shape supports the bladder into an anatomically correct position.

A cystocele occurs when the bladder drops into the vaginal wall. The vaginal wall over time becomes thin and weakens and can not support the vital organs which leads to the bladder ‘sinking’ into the vagina.

Many women experience the feeling of a ‘bulge’ or a ‘ball’ inside the vagina. Some women find that they have urinary stress incontinence or the inability to empty the bladder completely,  which may be an indication of an early cystocele.

Constipation or unable to completely clean the bottom after wiping can indicate a rectocele.

The T-Pessary is made from body friendly medical grade silicone and can be easily inserted and removed.  The different sizes allow a perfect fitting.

Is surgery necessary?

The best person to speak to, is your doctor. Prepare your questions before you see him so you are sure that all your questions are answered.

Due to the lack of knowledge many women have about their own body and pelvic organ prolapse they wait too long before seeking medical advice. Waiting too long will only make the condition worse and in some cases the only answer is surgery. To avoid getting this far, prevention is the best method. Kegel exercises should be carried out on a regular basis starting in your early 20’s or even in your late teens. Ask your women’s health physiotherapist about how to carry out kegels correctly.

Nobody wants to end up under the knife, and one alternative may be the use of a pessary, it may not be a permanent solution but it may just give you that extra support you need to offer you a better quality of life or even a solution whilst waiting for surgery.

    T pessary for treatment of Cystocele or/and Rectocele

The specially designed surface avoids pressure points in the mucosa. Especially during exercise – such as heavy work or sport – the T-pessary will hold bladder and bowel in the anatomically correct position. Contact us for more information

How do I know which size is right for me?

Correct size will have to be determined by your doctor or trained physiotherapist who specialises in pelvic organ prolapse.

Note for Medical Staff

Contact C&G Medicare for size sets in any of the range of pessaries – C & G Medicare Ltd UK offer the largest range of pessaries in Europe we also manufacture our own which includes Incostress and the latest P type Pessary which will be available from May 1st.

C&G Medicare Ltd Williams House
11-15 Columbus Walk
off Brigantine Place
CF10 4BY
United Kingdom
Why not come and see us at Naidex 30 April – 2 May 2013 at the NEC Birmingham Stand C165

Recommended reading about pelvic organ prolapse issues

Pelvic Organ Prolapse by Sherrie Palm

pelvic organ prolapse book








Everyone knows that Dr Arnold Kegel discovered the pelvic floor exercises. Exercises which are to this day, encouraged by medical professionals to prevent conditions such as incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse and in general weak pelvic floor muscles.

Weakness of the pelvic floor can be hereditary or can be caused from a range of factors. Obesity, pregnancy, low oestrogen levels, menopause, Pelvic organ prolapse, laxity of the pelvic floor muscles are to name a few reasons why the pelvic floor  needs extra attention.

Dr Arnold was a brilliant gyaneacologist in his time and has opened the path for many to follow his good work in his footsteps.

Dr Bruce Crawford OBYGYN

Founder of Pfilates program
Founder of Pfilates program

One gynaecologist in Nevada who has excelled in his work not only as a brilliant gyaneacologist but as a compassionate man who understands the needs of women who suffer with pelvic organ dysfunction of any kind. Dr Bruce Crawford MD understands the importance of helping women solve conditions such as incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse etc.

For many women these conditions are demoralising and often have a negative impact on the quality of life. Many women find themselves  becoming more and more introverted due to issues such as incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse.

When they do pick up the courage to speak to a doctor, they are kept waiting for months (sometimes in pain) before they get to see a gyaneacologist to find out what the cause of the problem actually is. Many women don’t want to have surgery and are too frightened to seek medical help because they think that is all there is left for them.

Physiotherapy treatment is an excellent way to start the pelvic floor rehabilitation process. We found from a survey of 150 women in the United Kingdom, those who spoke to their physiotherapist felt reassured and completely comfortable with opening up their feelings. The physiotherapist took time to explain everything of the ‘hows and why’s of the pelvic floor. (GPs in the UK often don’t have the time to speak to their patients, and as patients don’t see incontinence or pelvic floor issues as a life threatening problem many don’t seek help as they ‘don’t want to bother the doctor’.

Out of the 150 women who did seek physiotherapy help 78% were found to have not known how to do a kegel exercise correctly before seeing the physiotherapist. Are you doing your pelvic floor exercises correctly?

Dr Bruce Crawford develops Pfilates (the only exercise program with clinical studies)

Pfilates is a program of neuromuscular conditioning based on extensive EMG recordings taken from the pelvic floor.  Pfilates was created by an American Urogynecologist to provide a method of home pelvic floor fitness training accessible to a broad population.

Pelvic floor disorders are absolutely epidemic.  Stress urinary incontinence, overactive bladder, female sexual dysfunction, pelvic organ prolapse, and fecal incontinence are so commonplace they are often regarded as the inevitable consequences of childbirth and aging.  When these conditions are treated they are to often regarded as purely mechanical disorders requiring a surgical solution.  Although trained as a surgeon I have come to regard these disorders as principally neuromuscular disorders deserving of a neuromuscular solution.

It is clear that programs of pelvic floor neuromuscular rehabilitation successfully improve pelvic floor symptoms.  Such programs typically involve a set schedule of isometric pelvic floor muscle exercises (Kegel exercises) that must be continued long term.  It is also clearly established that very few women will continue to perform this type of isometric exercises for an extended period of time.

In creating the Pfilates program we have ventured to provide a plyometric (movement oriented) method of pelvic floor exercise that could be incorporated in to any regular fitness routine.  Our neuromuscular research reveals that movements which engage the external hip rotators, adductors of the thigh, transverses abdominals, and gluteal muscles also facilitate, or induce, a pelvic floor contraction.  This information has proven especially useful for women unable to perform an isolated voluntary pelvic floor contraction.

The Pfilates program is a simple program consisting of ten movements presented in the same order in three different phases (beginning, intermediate, and advanced).  Each of the Pfilates movements includes a series of repetitions followed by a hold phase and a pulse phase at the point of peak engagement of the pelvic floor.  As such these movements encourage the development of the three essential elements of neuromuscular performance: strength, endurance, and coordination.  The Pfilates DVD includes a detailed “Learn These Movements” that should be reviewed carefully before beginning any of the ten minute routines.

Pfilates is intended to be preventative but also a therapeutic alternative for those already experiencing symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction.  For patients that have already has surgery Pfilates can help protect the investment and reduce the chance for recurrent symptoms

For more information about Pfilates program contact C&G Medicare Ltd.  We are offering the full Pfilates kit which includes 64 minute DVD of Pfilates exercises, 1 full colour manual, 20 cm Pfilates ball,  plus a free antibacterial cleaning spray plus a free satin bag to store your kit in. Total value £51.48 we are offering this for just £29.99 at our store  

Created by Dr Bruce Crawford
Created by Dr Bruce Crawford

Incostress chosen to run in Best Natural Pharmacy Awards

A natural way to control incontinence and discreetly do pelvic floor exercises

.Incostress has already proved to  improve the quality of life for thousands of women around the world since it was first launched in 2007. It as claimed international awards for best medical device, best design, innovator of the year (twice) and best product for science and technology in 2008. Could 2012 be another award-winning year for this amazing little medical device?

We would love to hear from you regarding your personal or if you know someone who is having to deal with incontinence. Incostress not only immediately controls incontinence it has also been found to help women who have a pelvic organ prolapse called a rectocele. A rectocele is where the bowel collapses into the vaginal wall. Incostress supports the bowel wall.

Incostress is distributed by many independent pharmacies and also by the largest pharmacy in the United Kingdom Boots. Incostress is available on-line at but can also be ordered in store.

The Inventor of Incostress has set up a free help line for women who suffer incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse issues. Her amazing team consists of registered women’s health physiotherapists from around the world and gynaecologists who all offer their valuable time on a voluntary basis to help raise the awareness of incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse. Her team ensures patients are given the correct information about their individual conditions.

There are so many products out there without medical clinical evidence to support their claims that women who are seeking help tend to ‘waste their money’ as they can end up buying a product which is not suitable for their condition.

C&G Medicare Ltd in the UK offer a unique FREE service which advises (but never diagnoses) patients on the best route to help them with their condition. It is ALWAYS recommended that you visit your doctor or physiotherapist to discuss all symptoms you have for you to get the best treatment.

Do you run an independent pharmacy? contact for information and leaflets on Incostress.

Please vote for us at Natural Pharmacy Awards click on the logo

Vote for Incostress and help raise awareness about incontinence
Incostress. Order yours today.
Incostress stops bladder weakness and strengthens pelvic floor muscles


IncoStress helping embarrassing situations


It is estimated that 1 in 3 women have urinary stress incontinence

It’s thanks to programs such as Embarrassing Bodies that awareness is raised about stress incontinence and women can take a positive step to react and do something about it.

Physiotherapy is a good start to break bad habits regarding the pelvic floor and train to get into good  habits which can keep the pelvic floor firm and tight, controlling those embarrassing leaks (SUI).

There are many reasons why women have stress incontinence. Some of the common reasons are

Childbirth, menopause, chronic cough, laxity of the pelvic floor, MS…..

Pelvic floor therapy has been used successfully for decades. Probably the most famous doctor of all who introduced Kegel Training was Dr Arnold Kegel. This is a set of exercises which engage the core muscles of the pelvic floor allowing the woman better control, not only for incontinence, but control during sexual intercourse and the ability to control passing wind.

There have been many products designed to help with kegels (pelvic floor exercises). Please remember that the pelvic floor muscles are a group of muscles which can be overworked, torn and damaged just like any other muscle in the body. The problem is that because you can’t see this group of muscles women tend to overwork them.

Make sure you find the right product to actual suit your specific condition (which is why as a medical company/manufacturer of Incostress and the Kegel8 Day toner we always recommend you discuss any exercises and symptoms with your  doctor or physiotherapist first).

The pelvic floor does not mean No Pain No Gain! In fact it is the opposite. If you have pain in the pelvic floor region please get to a doctor sooner rather than later.

Discuss the use of Incostress with your doctor. IncoStress is a class IIa medical device (class 2 in Canada ) which has undergone rigorous trails and scrutiny from several sceptics. Incostress has proven time and time again to be an instant solution for women with stress incontinence as it supports the bladder neck and urethra, controlling the leakage of incontinence. Incostress is also an aid to help you identify the pelvic floor muscles for you to gently work out internally.

During the design stage we considered every aspect of the symptoms, conditions it would treat and also the ergonomic shape to offer total comfort to the user.  During the clinical trial 30% of women were taken off the waiting list for surgery thanks to using Incostress.

If you have had surgery, Incostress can also be used as a support for the pelvic floor during recovery.

What in the pipeline for C&G Medicare ? We have taken the role to look after APOPS Europe (Association of Pelvic Organ Prolapse Support) a non-profit organisation, run by medical people to help women who have POP (pelvic organ prolapses)

We are designing a major product which is set to help women with pelvic organ prolapse. This project will help by concentrating on the Pelvic Myofascial Trigger points offering solutions for pelvic organ prolapse and incontinence.  If you are a women’s health physiotherapists and would like to get involved, we would love to hear from you.

Speak to your physiotherapists or doctor about IncoStress.