Dr Arabin Cerclage pessaries for preventing preterm birth in asymptomatic singleton pregnant women

Dr Arabin Cerclage Pessary
Dr Arabin Cerclage Pessary
Vaginal progesterone, cerclage or cervical pessary for preventing preterm birth in asymptomatic singleton pregnant

women with a history of preterm birth and a sonographic short cervix.
Reference: Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2013; 41: 146–151 Published online 17 January 2013 in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com). DOI: 10.1002/uog.12300
and M. GOYA‡
*Department of Women’s and Children’s Health, Institute of Translational Medicine, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK; †Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Maternal-Fetal Medicine Division, University of Alabama, Birmingham, AL, USA; ‡Maternal Fetal Medicine Unit, Department of Obstetrics, Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain; §Department of Biostatistics, University of Alabama, Birmingham, AL, USA
Objective To compare the outcome of pregnancy in cohorts of women with singleton pregnancy and history of preterm birth and sonographic short cervix managed with different treatment protocols, namely cerclage, vaginal progesterone or cervical pessary.
This was a comparison of three management protocols for women with singleton pregnancy and a high risk of preterm birth because of a prior spontaneous preterm birth before 34 weeks and a shortened cervical length detected by transvaginal ultrasound. The study included 142 women who were initially treated with cerclage (USA), 59 with vaginal progesterone (UK) and 42 with cervical pessary (Spain). Perinatal outcomes were compared between the three cohorts.
There were no statistically significant differences in perinatal losses, neonatal morbidity and preterm births among the three groups, apart from a higher rate of preterm birth before 34 weeks’ gestation after treatment with vaginal progesterone in comparison with treatment with cervical pessary (32% vs 12%; relative risk (RR)=2.70; 95% CI, 1.10–6.67). When only the
subgroups of women with cervical length <25 mm, irrespective of gestational age, were compared, the difference between these two cohorts was not statistically significant (RR=2.21; 95% CI, 0.83–5.89).
Cerclage, vaginal progesterone and pessary appear to have similar effectiveness asmanagement strategies
in women with singleton pregnancy, previous spontaneous preterm birth and short cervix. Direct randomized comparisons of these strategies, or combinations thereof, are needed to determine optimal management.
Cerlage Dr Arabin in position

The T Pessary

pTreatment The T pessaryis successful in treating a 1-3 degree cystocele accompanied by a rectocele. It can also be used to manage stress incontinence (SUI) The T pessary can be left in the body continuously for up to 30 days, but it is advisable to remove daily to give the body a rest and to […]/p

via The T Pessary.

Hot Flashes – Menopausal Women Are Not Alone

Hot Flashes – Menopausal Women Are Not Alone

Although the causes of hot flashes remain mostly unknown, conventional wisdom holds that fluctuations in hormones contribute significantly.

When hormonal fluctuations occur (particularly a decrease in estrogens), the hypothalamus – the part of our brain, which, among other functions, is our body’s thermostat – becomes confused. The confusion causes the brain to register that we’re too hot. In turn, the body does what it’s supposed to do – reacts by triggering our “cool-off!” mechanisms. Our hearts beat faster, our blood vessels dilate in order to increase blood flow close to the skin’s surface in order to dissipate heat, and we sweat which creates the effect of evaporative cooling. All this is great if you were hot to begin with, but when it comes to hot flashes – that’s not the case.

Read more here…


Keeps you discreetly cool for 12 hours
Keeps you discreetly cool for 12 hours


Sherrie Palm shares her innermost secrets, experience and advice in her award winning book Pelvic Organ Proalpse the silent epidemic

Find out why so many medical professionals are passing this book onto their patients.

Order Pelvic Organ Prolpase today and help support women with pelvic organ prolapse issues

Click here to order your copy today 

Pelvic Organ Prolapse the silent epidemic

Pelvic Organ Prolapse the silent epidemic by Sherrie Palm
An award winning fantastic book which gives women down to earh plain speaking advice, diagnosis and how to deal with Pelvic organ prolapse.

Pelvic organ prolapse is an extremely common female health issue that ALL WOMEN need to know about. Symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse (POP) can be confused and mistaken for other health conditions. Symptoms of POP are:

pelvic/back/vaginal/rectal pain
Urinary or fecal incontinence
pain with intercourse
chronic constipation
lack of sexual sensation
vaginal/rectal pressure

and many others.

Vaginal childbirth and menopause are the two leading causes of POP. Unfortunately, most women first hear about pelvic organ prolapse AFTER they are diagnosed with POP.

If you suffer from any of the above symptoms, you may be suffering from a cystocele, rectocele, or type of POP and should talk with your physician about pelvic organ prolapse now.

Our goal is to increase awareness and recognition of POP symptoms, causes, and treatments. Pelvic organ prolapse impacts millions of women around the world physically, emotionally, socially, sexually, and financially. We need to increase POP awareness; we need to increase it now.

Pessaries for Prolapse – The T pessary

Pessaries to treat incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse
There are over 250 pessaries available to treat symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse and incontinence, yet very few patients are told about the availabilities.The ring pessary is the most widely used to treat pelvic organ prolapse issues but is is suitable for everyone?

Over the next few weeks I will be showing you how different types of pessaries can help certain pelvic organ prolapse and incontinence issues.

Pelvic organ prolapse is essentially a ‘hernia’ a decent of an organ into the wall of  another organ in the pelvic area or vagina.  For more information about pelvic organ prolapse please visit www.incostress.com

The T pessary

T pessary for treatment of Cystocele or/and Rectocele

T Pessary type R

The T-Pessary is specifically designed for the treatment of cystocele and rectocele. The cylindrical ergonomic shape supports the bladder into an anatomically correct position.

A cystocele occurs when the bladder drops into the vaginal wall. The vaginal wall over time becomes thin and weakens and can not support the vital organs which leads to the bladder ‘sinking’ into the vagina.

Many women experience the feeling of a ‘bulge’ or a ‘ball’ inside the vagina. Some women find that they have urinary stress incontinence or the inability to empty the bladder completely,  which may be an indication of an early cystocele.

Constipation or unable to completely clean the bottom after wiping can indicate a rectocele.

The T-Pessary is made from body friendly medical grade silicone and can be easily inserted and removed.  The different sizes allow a perfect fitting.

Is surgery necessary?

The best person to speak to, is your doctor. Prepare your questions before you see him so you are sure that all your questions are answered.

Due to the lack of knowledge many women have about their own body and pelvic organ prolapse they wait too long before seeking medical advice. Waiting too long will only make the condition worse and in some cases the only answer is surgery. To avoid getting this far, prevention is the best method. Kegel exercises should be carried out on a regular basis starting in your early 20’s or even in your late teens. Ask your women’s health physiotherapist about how to carry out kegels correctly.

Nobody wants to end up under the knife, and one alternative may be the use of a pessary, it may not be a permanent solution but it may just give you that extra support you need to offer you a better quality of life or even a solution whilst waiting for surgery.

    T pessary for treatment of Cystocele or/and Rectocele

The specially designed surface avoids pressure points in the mucosa. Especially during exercise – such as heavy work or sport – the T-pessary will hold bladder and bowel in the anatomically correct position. Contact us for more information www.incostress.com

How do I know which size is right for me?

Correct size will have to be determined by your doctor or trained physiotherapist who specialises in pelvic organ prolapse.

Note for Medical Staff

Contact C&G Medicare for size sets in any of the range of pessaries – C & G Medicare Ltd UK offer the largest range of pessaries in Europe we also manufacture our own which includes Incostress and the latest P type Pessary which will be available from May 1st.

C&G Medicare Ltd Williams House
11-15 Columbus Walk
off Brigantine Place
CF10 4BY
United Kingdom
Why not come and see us at Naidex 30 April – 2 May 2013 at the NEC Birmingham Stand C165

Recommended reading about pelvic organ prolapse issues

Pelvic Organ Prolapse by Sherrie Palm

pelvic organ prolapse book







prostatitis verses enlarged prostate!

  • Over 50% of men in their 60’s and as many as 90% in their 70s or older have symptoms of an enlarged prostate gland (BPH)
  • Out of the 203,000 men diagnosed with prostate cancer, around 30,000 will die of it (each year)
  • prostatitis affects around 35% of men in the 50’s and older

OK lets put this into plain English!

The prostate gland

30,000 men die every year as a result of prostate cancer. Don’t leave difficult symptoms of voiding go unchecked.

The prostate gland about the size of a walnut, which surrounds part of  the urethra. (the urethra – that long tube that takes urine from the bladder out of the body via the penis, girls you have a shorter one and that’s part of the reason women get bladder infections more than men.). The urethra is also responsible for transporting semen during ejaculation.

There are lots of changes in growth of the prostate gland during puberty. Many men around the age of 40 may notice a ‘regrowth’ of the prostate gland. Most will not notice the change in  growth until they start getting problems with voiding. This is the first tell-tale sign that it has grown more than it should have, is problems voiding (peeing). If you are around 40 years old and have noticed a change in voiding urine, please see your physician.

There are 3 typical prostate diseases (none of which should be ignored or delayed seeking medical attention. You may find you have one of the diseases or a combination of them).

  • Enlarged prostate (BPH)
  • Prostate cancer
  • Prostatitis

Enlarged prostate (BPH)

BPH stands for benign prostatic hypoplasia  or enlarged prostate  to you and I.  This is when the prostate gland grows to an over large state. This is the most common of prostate complaints.  The word ‘benign’ will indicate that it is non cancerous, but that doesn’t mean it is to be ignored!

Around 50% of men  between the ages of 50 and 60 will develop symptoms of an enlarged prostate. (and less than half will seek immediate attention! Come on guys, this is serious! you can’t let this fester!!

Take the simple 8 question test to find out if you have an enlarged prostate.

Typical symptoms (but some men won’t have symptoms) will be frequent urination, nocturia (getting up 2 or 3 times in the night to pee) the bladder doesn’t empty completely, slow start to urinate or a weak urine force when you do start.

Remember the prostate surrounds part of the urethra so as the prostate gland gets bigger it strangles the urethra causing the urethra to malfunction.

Left untreated…..think about it….urine gets left in the bladder, leading to possible urine infections, build up of toxins and debris leading to stones in the bladder. All this leads to damage of vital organs. (all could be prevented or at least treated if the signs of problem voiding are addressed early!


Prostatitis is an inflammation and /or infection of the prostate gland.

Did you know 50% of men under the age of 50 will be affected with prostatitis?
There are four major types of prostatitis:   And lets start with the one which affects the younger ager group of men.

Interestingly, one of my friends asked her partner and his mates if they had heard of prostatitis, NONE OF THEM HAD. They are all in their prime! a group of 20-year-old plus men who will one day be trying for a family. Lads here is something to bear in mind!

Asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis is one of the ‘hidden’ culprits of  infertility. When a young man trying for a family thinks he is infertile, the doctor will examine him and test for prostatitis. It often goes undiagnosed as the patient does not complain of pain or discomfort but has an infection and the infection-fighting cells are found in the prostate and semen, making the situation difficult for the man to inseminate healthy sperm.

Acute bacterial prostatitis This one is a nasty pasty! The bad ass one of them! you know the type… you had the symptoms but ignored them thinking ‘its an age thing’ or ‘I’ll go see the doc when I have less important things to do’…

Wake up guys this type is not as common but is nevertheless  a potential killer!

Lucky of you this bad boy is the easiest to diagnose and can be treated effectively IF CAUGHT SOON ENOUGH!

So all you men out there, look out for the following symptoms and get to your doc without delay: Chills and fever (rigors)  pain in the lower back and genital area; urinary frequency and urgency, nocturia; burning or painful urination can even have a show of blood; body aches (flu like symptoms;)

When examined medical evidence will show a rise in white  blood cells and bacteria in the urine.

Men who have regular urinary tract infections may want to get their prostate checked out!

There is a treatment for it, but it needs to be treated immediately.

Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome is the most common but of course is complicated by the fact the medics are baffled  by it. Out of all the conditions it is the least understood form. They type of prostatitis affects any age; young, middle-aged, old it doesn’t care, if there is a prostate glad there it will attack!

What’s really annoying about this is that it comes and goes. Teases you. One minute you have inflammation and by the time you see the doctor it has disappeared! And to add to the mystery, there is no infection to be found when the prostate is not inflamed. My advise to you on this one, is don’t give up, tell your doctor your symptoms when it happens. Make a diary!


Chronic bacterial prostatitis, This occurs when bacteria find a nice comfy spot to breed on the prostate gland. A result of this may be a urinary tract infections that comes and goes. One of the tell take signs is it is always the same bacteria. So gentlemen, get your doctor to send the samples off to the lab every time you have a urinary tract infection, don’t just settle for a course of antibiotics!

If it is causing prostatitis then you are in for a long-term treatment of antimicrobial.  But the bad news is antimicrobial do not always cure this condition.

 If you want to know more information contact www.candgmedicare.com



Incostress chosen to run in Best Natural Pharmacy Awards

A natural way to control incontinence and discreetly do pelvic floor exercises

.Incostress has already proved to  improve the quality of life for thousands of women around the world since it was first launched in 2007. It as claimed international awards for best medical device, best design, innovator of the year (twice) and best product for science and technology in 2008. Could 2012 be another award-winning year for this amazing little medical device?

We would love to hear from you regarding your personal or if you know someone who is having to deal with incontinence. Incostress not only immediately controls incontinence it has also been found to help women who have a pelvic organ prolapse called a rectocele. A rectocele is where the bowel collapses into the vaginal wall. Incostress supports the bowel wall.

Incostress is distributed by many independent pharmacies and also by the largest pharmacy in the United Kingdom Boots. Incostress is available on-line at http://www.boots.com but can also be ordered in store.

The Inventor of Incostress has set up a free help line for women who suffer incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse issues. Her amazing team consists of registered women’s health physiotherapists from around the world and gynaecologists who all offer their valuable time on a voluntary basis to help raise the awareness of incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse. Her team ensures patients are given the correct information about their individual conditions.

There are so many products out there without medical clinical evidence to support their claims that women who are seeking help tend to ‘waste their money’ as they can end up buying a product which is not suitable for their condition.

C&G Medicare Ltd in the UK offer a unique FREE service which advises (but never diagnoses) patients on the best route to help them with their condition. It is ALWAYS recommended that you visit your doctor or physiotherapist to discuss all symptoms you have for you to get the best treatment.

Do you run an independent pharmacy? contact www.incostress.com for information and leaflets on Incostress.

Please vote for us at Natural Pharmacy Awards click on the logo

Vote for Incostress and help raise awareness about incontinence
Incostress. Order yours today.
Incostress stops bladder weakness and strengthens pelvic floor muscles


IncoStress helping embarrassing situations


It is estimated that 1 in 3 women have urinary stress incontinence

It’s thanks to programs such as Embarrassing Bodies that awareness is raised about stress incontinence and women can take a positive step to react and do something about it.

Physiotherapy is a good start to break bad habits regarding the pelvic floor and train to get into good  habits which can keep the pelvic floor firm and tight, controlling those embarrassing leaks (SUI).

There are many reasons why women have stress incontinence. Some of the common reasons are

Childbirth, menopause, chronic cough, laxity of the pelvic floor, MS…..

Pelvic floor therapy has been used successfully for decades. Probably the most famous doctor of all who introduced Kegel Training was Dr Arnold Kegel. This is a set of exercises which engage the core muscles of the pelvic floor allowing the woman better control, not only for incontinence, but control during sexual intercourse and the ability to control passing wind.

There have been many products designed to help with kegels (pelvic floor exercises). Please remember that the pelvic floor muscles are a group of muscles which can be overworked, torn and damaged just like any other muscle in the body. The problem is that because you can’t see this group of muscles women tend to overwork them.

Make sure you find the right product to actual suit your specific condition (which is why as a medical company/manufacturer of Incostress and the Kegel8 Day toner we always recommend you discuss any exercises and symptoms with your  doctor or physiotherapist first).

The pelvic floor does not mean No Pain No Gain! In fact it is the opposite. If you have pain in the pelvic floor region please get to a doctor sooner rather than later.

Discuss the use of Incostress with your doctor. IncoStress is a class IIa medical device (class 2 in Canada ) which has undergone rigorous trails and scrutiny from several sceptics. Incostress has proven time and time again to be an instant solution for women with stress incontinence as it supports the bladder neck and urethra, controlling the leakage of incontinence. Incostress is also an aid to help you identify the pelvic floor muscles for you to gently work out internally.

During the design stage we considered every aspect of the symptoms, conditions it would treat and also the ergonomic shape to offer total comfort to the user.  During the clinical trial 30% of women were taken off the waiting list for surgery thanks to using Incostress.

If you have had surgery, Incostress can also be used as a support for the pelvic floor during recovery.

What in the pipeline for C&G Medicare ? We have taken the role to look after APOPS Europe (Association of Pelvic Organ Prolapse Support) a non-profit organisation, run by medical people to help women who have POP (pelvic organ prolapses)

We are designing a major product which is set to help women with pelvic organ prolapse. This project will help by concentrating on the Pelvic Myofascial Trigger points offering solutions for pelvic organ prolapse and incontinence.  If you are a women’s health physiotherapists and would like to get involved, we would love to hear from you.

Speak to your physiotherapists or doctor about IncoStress.



Which type of incontinence do you have?

This survey is designed to help you and your doctor determine what type of incontinence you are experiencing. No personal information such as email address, names etc. This survey is for you to fill out and print off to take to your doctor to help you.
Click here to take survey

For more information on incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse visit http://www.incostress.com

 Which type of incontinence do you have?

For Stress Incontinence, over active bladder (to stabilize the bladder) nocturia and pelvic floor strengthening you may want to try

INCOSTRESS. Go to www.incostress.com

Incostress is a class IIa medical device which has clinical evidence to demonstrate its efficacy.

Incostress is made in the United Kingdom by C&G Medicare. We also manufacture the Day Toner which is a class I pelvic floor exerciser.

Incostress can be left in the body up to 29 days, however we recommend you use it for a maximum of 8 hours then remove for an hour before re-inserting. We want you to train your pelvic muscles so eventually you won’t need anything to control the incontinence.

Incostress is made from body friendly medical grade silicone, which means it can be washed and re-used time and time again.

Incostress is ideal for any woman who can support a tampon. (there is no risk of toxic shock syndrome with Incostress as bacteria does not breed on silicone.

Order your Incostress in store from Boots or online in the United Kingdom.

Order from www.incostress.com and get a FREE bottle of IncoClean, a biofriendly antibacterial cleaner which also protects your Incostress. IncoClean is safe to use on skin as it is PH balanced. It does NOT contain alcohol.

We recommend Incostress for women who

Have just had babies

Women who are approaching the menopause (depletion of oestrogen can weaken the muscles Incostress can help maintain muscle control)

Women who have passed the menopause.

Women who experience over active bladder and want to train their bladder to be stable

Women with Urinary Stress Incontinence (SUI)

Women who leak slightly during sports. Incostress acts as a support for the pelvic floor during impact, lessening the strain of the pelvic floor

Women who suffer nocturia (getting up several times during the  night to pass water).

Incostress stops incontinence

Pelvic Floor control and an amazing little device

Pfilates a program that every woman and man should use

Dr Bruce Crawford is an amazing doctor who has spent years perfecting a program which is sweeping the continents. Dr Crawford an international renowned gynaecologist has dedicated his life to giving women a better quality of life.

He developed a program called Pfilates. This simple program has different levels so you can build up the hold and pulse movements the stronger your pelvic floor becomes. This program has swept the USA and Canada, where instructors and being trained to help women benefit from Pfilates.

C&G Medicare Ltd United Kingdom, are advocates of the Pelvic Floor Movement. Its founder and CEO Gaynor Morgan has won many international awards for her medical device Incostress and has built up the company from ground level. Now Gaynor works with many respected medical professionals bridging the gap between patients and medical professionals.

C&G Medicare Ltd run APOPS Europe a free advice center whereby men and women but mainly women can call and ask for advice about pelvic floor issues. They find the best solution via the medical route to help those who are suffering with pelvic organ issues.

Gaynor says “Its about education and finding a solution for the men and women who are suffering. Our job is simply to listen offer general advice about symptoms and try to find a suitable doctor,clinic, physiotherapist etc who are able to help these men and women.

Its saddening to see so many women with incontinence problems or/and prolapse issues that when they call they feel so helpless and don’t realise that there are plenty of good medical solutions without the intervention of surgery available.

Of course, we ALWAYS encourage them to seek a suitable doctor first as there maybe other complications going on we are not aware of with the women who speak to us. It is so important that they are seen by a medical professional before going onto the net to try to self diagnose. There is a lot of good information on the net, but many women do tend to try so many products which are not necessarily suited to their condition and as a result they make the condition worse, which is why we URGE women to first speak to the medical team about their problem.

Many women are too embarrassed or ashamed and this holds them back from speaking about their condition. Many think that incontinence is a way of life if they end up with this condition, and feel pads are the only way to treat incontinence.

Women who have any sort of pelvic organ prolapse are frightened due to the sensation of their insides literally falling out and cut themselves off from even speaking to their partners about it, which doesn’t help their position in their relationship.

There isn’t one quick fix – fix all product on the market because every person is unique, their build, their structure, their lifestyle habits etc this all plays a large part in how the condition is treated. If you have two women of the same build etc, with the same condition, there is no guarantee the same treatment will be successful for both, which is why your medical professional should be consulted first.


C&G Medicare Ltd also offer a basic pelvic floor training with patients on the phone, which has helped many women. The company has also developed several free downloadable print off sheets to help the women speak to their doctor about their condition. These sheets have proven successful as patients simply answer the questions on the sheet, print and take to their doctor. They don’t even have to speak as all the information is there for the doctor to read.  Free downloads questions you should ask your doctor here One of the reasons its been so successful is the fact we don’t ask for details. So many websites now won’t let you access information unless you leave your name, email etc. That’s not what we are about. We don’t collect customers details. These downloads are between the patient and doctor to discuss.

Pfilates kit

Pfilates instructors/physiotherapists and qualified instructors contact us for the instructor package and training package.

C& G Medicare Ltd are offering a limited edition Pfilates complete kit

  •     Includes the 64 minute Pfilates easy to follow different levels instructional DVD,
  •     Pfilates instructional guide book
  •      20cm ball
  •     Medical pelvic toning device (medical grade silicone)
  •     Satin bag Size 26cm X 31cm- Colour – Royal Blue

Designed and tested by key opinion leader Uro/gynaecologist Dr Bruce Crawford

Clinically tested to obtain positive results. Ideal for post natal use and pelvic floor muscles which are neglected in exercise.

Pfilates are a cross between gentle yoga and Pilates. The most effective pelvic floor training ever.

A perfect gift to give all men and women of any age. There are different levels to achieve during this program, all are gentle and progressive.

These exercises have proven to help:

  •     Control bladder issues
  •     Increase pelvic floor and abdominal strength (inside and outer muscle strength)
  •     Help avoid pelvic organ prolapse
  •     Strengthen the muscles to enhance sexual feeling
  •     The pelvic toning device trains the vaginal muscles the grip/strengthen/resistance movements.
  •     Those who encounter painful intercourse

Pelvic floor training is important not only for the fact these important muscles hold the vital organs in place, but that they are needed to be in good condition to allow an easier childbirth.

The pelvic floor needs to be stong so that women do not encounter pelvic organ prolapse (a collapse or drop of the one organ into the wall of another)

And of course we need a good pelvic floor contraction during sexual intercourse to be able to reach the ultimate orgasm.

Did you know that natural red heads are more prone to weak pelvic floor muscles due to the structure of the fibres in the pelvic floor of a red head?

Anyone can use the pfilates program regardless of sex or age. We have a limited edition offer with the pelvic floor toning device. Normal price £67.00 but with using the discount code PFJUL you get £20.00 off the pfilates limited edition.

For more information click here to the pfilates limited edition kit.

Recommended reading for those who have pelvic floor/ incontinence issues. These books have all been endorsed by leading medical doctors.

Pelvic Organ Prolapse by Sherrie Pam (this book is an award winner) Available in all leading book stores in the UK

Hold It Sister & Hold It Mam by Mary O’Dwyer (lead physiotherapist for women’s health) Available in all leading book stores in the UK (Blackwell’s bookstore have  special prices for medical staff at their exhibitions)

Pelvic Floor Recovery by Sue Croft (lead physiotherapist)