New facebook page for health business and health answers

New Facebook page for health business and health answers

Here is the place you can ask for help and what is the best solution. C& G Medicare Facebook page for health

Share your experiences, ask the doctor, nurse or physiotherapist for advice.

What is the best product I need for my ailment.

Business to business meet up here and start connecting with other businesses and also meet the people who will be using your products. No nonsense honest feedback about your products.

We look forward to seeing you on the C&G Medicare Health Facebook Page or click the link on the right hand side of this blog under C&G Medicare.

Meet the inventor Gaynor Morgan of Incostress the medical device to control female incontinence and strengthen the pelvic floor.

Meet the inventor of Kegel8 the electrical stimulation product to strengthen the pelvic floor.

Meet the top sales director Philippe Ferland of Bell Lifestyle Products a favoured brand of natural health remedies.

Meet the director of AOR D-Mannose – a natural product to help the bladder restore its natural balance and prevent urinary tract infections. D-Mannose is a simple carbohydrate sugar similar in structure to glucose. Research indicates that D-Mannose may help support the health of the urinary tract. Suitable for Vegans, Vegetarians, Children

Meet Roz one of the UKs most sort after PR agents.

Meet the team of Supermum TV, women who have made it to the top but not without a fight or struggle, interact with them and find out how you can avoid the pitfalls of starting a new product, how to get a product to market etc.

Meet self-made authors and share their insights into writing a successful book.  We thank Mary O’Dwyer author of Hold It Sister and Hold it Mama, Ms Sherrie Palm author of Pelvic Organ Prolapse the silent epidemic Mr RA Farmer author of his newly launched best-selling thriller ‘The Deconstructing World’ into Brussels, Maastricht and the UK.

Meet the chief buyer of the Sweetie Factory

Want something special for that special moment. Meet this the owner of

Perfect just like you!

If you are a medical professional, author, business person, someone who needs answers to a health issue, someone who needs help promoting their products, then PASS THIS ON AND WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU ON C&G MEDICARE FACEBOOK PAGE

Traitement de l’incontinence


Traitement de l’incontinence
Des exercices de renforcement du plancher pelvien et des sphincters peuvent nettement améliorer la vie de personnes souffrant d’incontinence, et même guérir cette dernière dans de nombreux cas.

Il s’agit d’un appareil médical, porté comme un tampon. Incostress est réalisé en silicone médical, et fonctionne en appliquant une légère pression sur l’urètre depuis le vagin. Incostress permet à la vessie de supporter sa position anatomique naturelle,et  peut être porté de jour comme de nuit.

La forme unique d’Incostress permet aux muscles du plancher pelvien de fonctionner naturellement, ce qui peut aider à améliorer leur force lors d’un usage réguler. Des exercices de renforcement peuvent être entrepris avec un Incostress.

Facile à insérer et enlever, il facilite la vie à de nombreuses femmes.

Incostress a été développé pour contrôler l’incontinence féminine et renforcer les muscles du plancher pelvien de manière naturelle. L’incontinence féminine est un problème croissant chez les sportives, nos produits peuvent les aider également à poursuivre de manière confortable leurs loisirs.

Stimulation électrique
De brèves décharges électriques peuvent être administrées aux muscles pour les stimuler et, à terme, les renforcer.

Un instrument de mesure externe vous permet de prendre conscience de l’état de votre corps. En utilisant un appareillage électronique, ou simplement un agenda, vous pouvez connaître les moments de contraction de votre vessie et de l’urètre. Ce feedback peut être utilisé en conjonction avec une autre méthode (exercices, …) pour vous permettre de mieux contrôler votre incontinence.

Certains médicaments inhibent la contraction de la vessie, d’autres permettent de relaxer totalement le sphincter de l’urètre, permettant de vider complètement la vessie lors d’une miction. Consultez votre médecin pour davantage d’information.

D’autres traitements existent également, comme les implants ou la chirurgie.

Tout le monde peut devenir incontinent, quel que soit son âge. Notre gamme de produits vous aide à maintenir une meilleure qualité de vie.

Cause de l’incontinence

Les reins sont deux organes en forme de haricot situés de part et d’autre de la colonne vertébrale, au plus bas de la cage thorascique. Ce sont des filtres qui retiennent les déchets et l’eau en surplus du flux sanguin. Ces déchets et eau sont conduits jusqu’à la vessie au moyen des uretères.

La vessie est un organe situé sous le nombril (chez les femmes, elle est située devant l’utérus) constitué d’un sac musculaire flexible. La vessie s’étend lorsqu’elle contient de l’urine, et se rétracte lorsqu’elle se vide.

Une vessie adulte peut contenir +/- 0,6L d’urine. Lorsque le niveau d’urine atteint la moitié de ce volume, la pression stimule un influx nerveux qui relâche le sphincter (muscle de forme anulaire) de l’urètre, qui retient la vessie fermée. Le contrôle de ce muscle est volontaire chez les adultes (et doit être appris chez les enfants).

Incontinence urinaire
L’incontinence est l’incapacité de maintenir votre urine avant d’atteindre les toilettes. L’incontinence est souvent temporaire. Les femmes en souffrent deux fois plus que les hommes, cette différence s’expliquant par les grossesses, accouchements, ménopause et la structure de leur appareil urinatoire.

On peut devenir incontinent  suite à une atteinte neurologique, une attaque, une sclérose ainsi qu’aux problèmes liés au vieillissement (les dames agées rencontrent d’ailleurs plus souvent le problème d’incontinence).

Mais l’incontinence n’est pas inévitable avec l’âge. Il s’agit d’un problème traitable, et souvent soignable. Si vous souffrez d’incontinence, vous vous sentez probablement embarassée. Surmontez cet embaras et consultez un médecin pour discuter avec lui d’un traitement approprié. Ce problème est en effet souvent lié au fonctionnement des muscles (muscles de la vessie, et sphincter de l’urètre) et une rééducation est possible.

Merci á Carine Braconnnier de Xaka Confort 



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Snoring getting your partner down?

For most of us going to bed at the end of the day should be the one place you can relax but for millions of people it’s a nightmare. As you lay there just dropping off to sleep you are woken by the aggravating constant rumble of the goings on in the back of your partners throat. It starts off like a purr then revs up to a high-speed train. Now you are at the point of no return, you lie awake wishing you had a throat pillow for your partner.

To add insult to injury they wake up all refreshed in the morning and you lie there, hair all over the place looking like something possessed!

Want to put an end to the misery, before you put an end to the relationship? Snorekil is an innovative product with proven results. Sleep disorders can lead to all sorts of medical conditions. Sleep disruption leads to a lack of concentration, irritability and conditions like raised blood pressure.

Sleeping with a snoring partner is one of the most stressful things which can occur. Snorekil will put an end to the snoring and allow easy breathing and a full nights restful sleep pattern.

It is available from mobility stores in the UK and Belgium – For Belgium try in a place called Binche at Medical Diffusion. They speak French and English.

Snorekil is also available from C&G Medicare Ltd in the UK who supply Boots Alliance with their innovation to control female incontinence and strengthen the pelvic floor. Incostress.

The snorekil was designed by a dental technician and has won international awards and recognition. To go to a dental technician and have the same sort of product custom-made this would cost you around £500. Snorekil is only £49.99. Get a full nights restful sleep using snorekil.

Discount code WWB  at exclusively for our blog readers. Offer ends midnight 15th October 2011 UK time.

Watch the video. Order today

Herbal remedies for menopause

Black Cohosh
Black Cohosh

With more and more of the drug manufacturers developing different drugs, many women are confused or unaware of the different types of HRT that are available.

Never be afraid to ask your doctor why he is prescribing the one he has given.

What are the side affects.

What are the alternatives.

Many are turning to the holistic and herbal remedies….. Read on

What is the correct dose?

I have  heard that Black Cohosh can help me through the menopause, but what is the correct daily dose? Products range from 8mg to 300mg tablets. Is there a definitive advise on this product?

Dr Currie from Menopausematters answers “The usual standard dose of Black Cohosh is 40mg daily. Unfortunately, there is hardly any scientific evidence available for the best dose, either for effectiveness or safety, and, as you will have discovered, different brands contain different amounts with little or no advice – it is a problem wand proper directions would be welcomed.”

Meno Herb has ben highlighted in a recent report on herbal treatments for menopause published in the Drugs and Therapeutics Bulletin as an example of how all such products should be licenced and sold. it has been assessed for safety and quality by the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) and also contains an approved patient information leaflet. The report advised that patients should always try to identify and purchase a herbal product carrying a product licence number, or a traditional herbal remedy number on the product label, as MenoHerb does.

It is traditional herbal remedy used for the relief of symptoms of the menopause, containing Black Cohosh,and was mention numerous times in the report as a benchmark for such products.

Looking at your diet as a whole and changing a few things can also improve your menopause.

We strongly advise against anyone purchasing medication without knowing the full information. Many of the ‘natural herbs’ contain all sorts of chemicals and even have been known to contain ash, ash and sawdust. Make sure you know what you are buying.

C&G Medicare Ltd manufacture Incostress in the UK, and has been approved by the MHRA. C&G Medicare work closely with medical professionals to ensure women get good ethical advice.

Our recommended site for more herbal information can be found here